Life's just been going on as usual for me. Nothing too new or exciting. I saw Get Smart the other night with a couple of friends. It was actually very funny. I'm kind of a comedy movie snob, some would accuse me of being an every movie snob, but I just don't think there are a lot of smart, intelligent and funny movies out there. But I really did laugh at this one. It's good, you should go see it. I also saw In the Land of Women and Into The Wild this week. I really liked both of them. Into The Wild kind of inspires me to be a more adventurous and care-free person. And I luckily know better then he did about living in the Alaskan Wilderness, like: DON'T DO IT. There's a reason why it's called The Last Frontier. In The Land of Women was good too. I really like Adam Brody so he's what made me like the movie. I did have a couple of issues with it, but over all it gets a thumbs up from me.
I went and talked to the Middle Eastern Studies career counselor today. It ended up being an hour and twenty minutes long and it also ended up being twenty minutes of useful help and an hour waste of my day. I really don't think she should be doing this job. She pronounced The United Arab Emirates wrong (she said Em-er-ott-ees. WTF??? em-er-ott-ees?); she suggested that I work as a reservation agent for EgyptAir, and she also pronounce finance: fin-ance. I know the last one isn't really a big deal, it's just really annoying sounding. Needless to say, I will NOT be meeting with her ever again.
After that I went to work. Work was good and uneventful today. The AC on my bus worked well, so that's always a plus. I'm one of the only girls where I work, so that's kind of fun. Except they're pretty much all married or not Mormon. But it's still fun. I like pretty much everyone I work with and they all seem to like me. I know my bosses do. And so do the 2 drivers that I relieve in the afternoons. I work in the afternoons from 12pm or 2pm until 6:30pm (most days) which means that someone else has been working on that same route since 6am and I just go directly to the route and we switch places. Well, it's always Sid or Wendy that I relieve and they both have said that they wish I was the driver who relieved them everyday. They said they can always count on my being out there on time and waiting for them at the relief spot when they get there. It's good to know/hear that my other co-workers appreciate me and think I'm doing a good job.
And after work today I went to a show at Kilby Court. Kilby Court is pretty much my favorite venue every and one of my favorite bands every was playing tonight. Tilly and the Wall. They're amazing. Their percussionist is a tap dancer. She is so cute to watch dance also. This is the second time I've seen them, both times at Kilby. Kilby Court is so cool because it's just so simple. It's just this all ages venue down the end of this street (Kilby Court, duh). They just have this area fenced off and there's a garage there with a stage that the bands play on. When it's cold they have bon fires too. I've seen some really amazing bands there. Anyway, I love the place and I haven't been there in a few years. When I was seriously dating this guy...a few years back we would always go to Kilby. Once a week was pretty normal. I was telling Crista that tonight at the show and she was all "well, that's what happens when you date a guy in a band". And it's true. I was totally one of those girls. I was once the girlfriend. It's just so weird now. I used to totally be so into the Salt Lake Indie music scene and now it's been how many years since I've even been to a show? I guess I just really needed a break. ANYWAY, the show was great and I loved it and Kilby Court.
On a sadder note, my family just found out this last week that my 17 year old cousin has cancer. He has Non-Hodgkins T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. That can just be shortened down to Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. He started on chemotherapy Saturday morning (or late Friday night. Not really sure.). Anyway, the doctors sound pretty positive about his prognosis but it's still pretty scary. He's the same age as Mary. He's just so young. But fortunately for him, he's a really healthy and active kid. He's on his schools football and baseball teams and plays club rugby. So I have no doubt that Austen will be a fighter. It's just so crazy though. I mean, I can't think of a single adult on either side of my family who has had cancer, but this is the second time a child has had cancer. First was my sister Riana when she was 7 with Ovarian Cancer now my cousin Austen. Crazy.
Anyway here is a link to the music video Tilly & the Wall did at Kilby Court a couple years ago.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
Okay- so I really hope that I'm not that kind of advisor that people talk about. I really do hope that I'm a good one. I at least know how to pronounce the United Arab Emirates and Finance. That would be like me pronouncing biomechanics like "buy-O-meck-ah-nicks". That would drive me nuts. Remember one of the math teachers at Orcutt Jr. High used to enunciate the wrong syllables. It drove me nuts then. It's about as annoying as when someone uses irregardless in a sentence. That's not a word.
Good to get an update,sorry to hear about your cousin. That's sad, I'm sorry.
I like your music on your page.
Are the pretty yellow flowers in the picture captioned Turkey - opium? DJK
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