Thursday, October 30, 2008

So I'm just lying in bed being very unproductive. Sleep would probably be the most productive thing I could do right now. whatever. Anyway, my adorable friend Jackie had these surveys on her blog and I felt like doing them. I'm a copycat.

I am: acne face freak
I think: a lot
I know: not so much
I want: purple shirt
I have: great friends
I dislike: bills
I miss: my family
I fear: not
I feel: content
I hear: phil collins
I smell: clean
I crave: a good book
I cry: too often
I usually: sleep in
I wonder: what the next big change in my life will be
I regret: stupid stuff
I love: cooking
I care: but sometimes I don’t
I always: go out of my way to step on crunchy leaves
I worry: I’m not doing good enough
I am not: finished
I remember: my shoe size
I believe: life is short
I dance: badly
I sing: worse
I don’t always: remember to brush my teeth
I argue: too much
I write: poorly
I win: hardly ever
I lose: a lot
I wish: money wasn’t one of my problems
I listen: to NPR
I don't understand: love
I can usually be found: thinking
I am scared: of losing loved ones
I am happy: being loved

The Second Tag


1. The Office
2. 30 Rock
3. Law & Order
4. House
5. Gilmore Girls
6. Pushing Daisies
7. Psych
8. That 70s Show


1. Albertos
2. Buritto Loco
3. Bombay House
4. Curry in a Hurry
5. In -n- Out
6. Happy Sumo
7. Barbacoa
8. Red Iguana


1. Worked
2. Called old landlord
3. Blog-Stalked
4. Ate late night pie with Leslie
5. Watched 1/2 of An Affair to Remember
6. Made french toast for breakfast
7. Showered
8. Decided I need a new job, quickly


1. Snowboarding
2. Christmas
3. The weekend
4. Sleeping
5. My next paycheck
6. Being made perfect
7. Christmas baking
8. The holiday season movies


1. New job
2. Updated music
3. New Clothes
4. New shoes
5. New apartment
6. Car
7. Photographic Memory
8. The Love of my Life

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I need a new life...

Work started out pretty good today. I had some friendly passengers who were pleasant conversation; An old anthropology professor was on board, and totally remembered me; And a railroad crossing sign came down on my bus. See, pretty good. But then I had some annoying/rude passengers, I had to switch buses, my stomach hurt, I was behind schedule ALL DAY, and I left my book on the bus. So it's official, I'm sick of my job. I REALLY REALLY need to get job in my major field now. Today was just the motivation I needed.

On a more unpleasant note, Max was fired on Friday. He is sort of a lose cannon. One day after work he was giving me a ride home and started asking me about my love life. He then proceeded to tell that all I need to do is bat my eyelashes and I can have any guy I wanted. Also, after I got back from Yemen he said I had been very missed and was very loved. He can be very off-putting at times but he was always nice to me. His wife also works with us and she's also very nice and is also a fan of me. (I apparently like to use the word 'also').

Also, Mary came to town last weekend and We went to Lagoon with some friends of mine. We had fun. Here's a couple of pictures from that fatefully fun night.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Updating My Life

It's been a very busy past few weeks for me. Things have been kind of crazy. I moved at the beginning of the month into an apartment with my friend Crista. We've been painting and cleaning and we both work and she also goes to school, so it's been a very slow process to say the least. My sister Mary came down for conference weekend from Rexburg and helped us do some painting as well. She's a good couple inches taller then either of us, so she was much appreciated.

I also had the opportunity to go to the Timpanogos Caves with a couple of friends. It was a really nice hike and the caves were amazing and the scenery on the way up was amazing. We actually went twice. The first time we went we just happened to show up on the only day in the history of the park that they were offering admittance to the park and cave tours for free. Tickets were sold out by 9 am. Needless to say, we didn't get to see the caves but we enjoyed the hike anyway. Then later on that week we went back and were able to see the caves. Here's some pictures.

Jake, Leslie and I

Inside the Caves

We also had the chance to drive up American Fork Canyon. It was so beautiful this time of year. I LOVE all the fall colors. Being from California where there is very little change in seasons, has given me a great appreciation for all the colors of fall.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Survey Stuff

My friend tagged me and I was bored. You're supposed to answer each question with as few words as possible. Blah.

1. Where is your cellphone? Floor

2. Your significant other? Heaven?

3. Your hair? Blonde/Curly

4. Your mother? California

5. Your Father? Work

6. Your favorite thing? Slurpees

7. Your dream last night? Roller Skates

8. Your favorite drink? Fresh mango juice

9. Your dream goal? Travel EVERYWHERE

10. The room you’re in? Bedroom

11. Your hobby? swimming

12. Your fear? painting

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Anywhere but here.

14. What you’re not? boy

15. Muffins? good

16. One of your wishlist item? A painter

17. Where you grew up? Santa Maria

18. Last thing you did? Text message

19. What are you wearing? pajamas

20. Favorite gadget? iPod

21. Your pets? Marshall The Dog

22. Your computer? MacBook

23.Your mood? good

24. Missing someone? Family
25. Your car? bus

26. Something you’re not wearing? socks

27. Favorite store? Target

28. Like someone? everyone

29. Favorite color? Yellow

30. When was the last time you laughed? Last night

31.When was the last time you cried? Last week?